A healthy, well- balanced diet in pregnancy is essential for the well- being of the mama – to- be and her baby. This is because whatever the womanish consumes during pregnancy is the main source of nutrition for the baby.

A mama – to- be’s diet should contain a variety of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and proteins to give the important nutrients and food a baby requires for growth and development. When it comes to eating healthy in pregnancy, deciding which foods are the most beneficial for you and your baby’s health can be challenging.

Wondering, what to eat during gestation. Below mentioned is the gestation food list that has all the necessary nutrients demanded for your baby’s proper growth.



Week Days

Pre Breakfast Snack 

Morning Breakfast

Mid Morning Snack


Evening Snack


Day 1

8-12 pieces of dry fruits including cashew nuts, almonds, and raisins.

Moongdal chilla-3 +pudina/coconut chutney-2 tsp

Blueberry shake (1 cup)

1.5 cup Mutton biryani + Cucumber onion Raita (½ cup)

Sweet potato salad (cooked with 200 gms of sweet potato, 1 pinch of chat masala, and 1 tsp lemon juice) +  light tea (1 cup)

Wheat dosa 3 + ½ cup bitter gourd sabji 

Day 2

Homemade fruit juice with strawberries, pomegranate, guava, or oranges (1 glass)

Wheat dosa-4 + Tomato sabji (½ cup)

Vegetable soup made with brocolli and garlic (1 bowl)

1.5 cup rice + 1 piece of chicken + 1 cup broccoli sabji

Mixed fruit salad made of mangoes, bananas, and berries of your choice (1 medium-sized plate)

Moongdal chilla-3 +pudina/coconut chutney-2 tsp

Day 3

Banana milkshake (1 glass)

Veggie-rich sevai or upma (1 cup) + 2 medium-sized parathas

Kaddu ka soup or pumpkin soup (1 bowl)

1.5 cup Mutton biryani + Cucumber onion Raita (½ cup)

10-14 pieces of dry fruits

Multigrain toast (2 in no.) with two sunny side up eggs

Day 4

Carrot juice (1 glass)

Oatmeal (1 cup) + 2 boiled eggs

Banana milkshake (1 glass)

1.5 cup rice, 1 piece mutton + 1 bowl masoor daal

Mixed fruit salad made of mangoes, bananas, and berries of your choice (1 medium-sized plate)

Veggie-rich poha (1 cup) + 2 moong dal chillas

Day 5

1 plain glass of milk

Veggie-rich poha (1 cup) + 2 moong dal chillas

Tamatar or tomato soup (1 bowl)

1.5 cup chicken biryani + cucumber onion raita (½ cup)

Vegetable salad (1 plate) made with carrots, cucumber, and onions

Multigrain toast (2 in no.) with two sunny side up eggs

Day 6

Banana milkshake (1 glass)

Oatmeal (1 cup) + 2 boiled eggs

Kaddu or pumpkin soup (1 bowl)

1.5 cup rice, 1 piece mutton + 1 bowl masoor daal

10-14 pieces of dry fruits including cashew nuts, almonds, and raisins

Wheat dosa-4 + Tomato sabji (½ cup)

Day 7

1 plain glass of milk

Veggie-rich sevai or upma (1 cup) + 2 medium-sized parathas

Peach milkshake (1 glass)

1.5 cup vegetable khichdi + 1 piece chicken + 1 small bowl of dahi

1 medium-sized avocado with 1 spoon of peanut butter

Veggie-rich poha (1 cup) + 2 moong dal chillas

Foods And Beverages To Eat During Pregnancy

Products: Dairy products are rich in colorful nutrients like calcium and vitamins that support the baby’s development.
Legumes:  Legumes are rich in factory- grounded nutrients furnishing protein, fibre, iron, folate, and calcium, all of which are demanded more during pregnancy.
Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are high in a vitamin called beta carotene, essential for healthy fetal development.
Salmon:  Salmon is rich in an omega- 3 adipose acid called docosahexaenoic acid( DHA), which is deficient in pregnancy and, thus, needs to be supplemented.
Eggs:  Eggs are an excellent source of protein. They give amino acids that the baby needs for development. also, they contain further than a dozen salutary vitamins and minerals, including choline.
Broccoli and darklush greens:  Dark, lush flora like broccoli are rich in vitamins A, C, B6, K, folate, and antioxidants. So, they insure a good haemoglobin force, promote healthy bones, and help skin problems.
spare meat and proteins:  spare meat is an excellent source of good- quality protein, which is salutary for health during pregnancy.
Berries:  Berries contain a good amount of water, healthy carbohydrates, vitamin C, and fibres. In addition, they may help increase your nutrient and water input.
Whole grains:  Whole grains are rich in minerals and vitamin B that the growing fetus needs to develop in almost every part of its body.
Avocados:  Avocados are high in many nutrients, including vitamin C, folate, and magnesium, all of which play a critical role in the baby’s development.
Dry fruits:  Dry fruits are high in calcium, potassium, and zinc. Being rich in fibre, they help help constipation in gestation.
Fish liver oil:  painting Fish liver canvases are rich in omega- 3 fatty acids, the healthiest forms of fat. They reduce the chances of preterm delivery.
Water:  Drinking at least 8- 11 glasses of water daily during gestation is essential. It helps in better digestion and maintains the protective fluid called amniotic fluid around the fetus.

Food And potables To Avoid During Pregnancy
High mercury fish:  Consuming high mercury fish causes the substance( mercury) to accumulate in your bloodstream over a period of time. redundant mercury in the bloodstream could damage the baby’s developing nervous system and brain.
Undercooked or raw fish:  Raw fish is more likely to contain spongers, bacteria, or microorganisms than completely cooked fish. You don’t want to expose your baby to those!
Undercooked, raw, and reused meat: Reused meat is likely to contain listeria bacteria which can cause food poisoning and vomiting in pregnant ladies. Raw and undercooked meat is also likely to carry microorganisms, including bacteria that can give rise to sickness.
Raw eggs:  Raw eggs should be avoided in pregnancy as those can be host to complaint- causing bacteria called salmonella, which can beget food poisoning, puking, and diarrhoea.
Organ meat:  Organ meat contains vitamin A, excess of which can beget natural deformations in the baby and indeed confinement, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Caffeine:  Caffeine is a goad that tends to increase your heart rate and blood pressure, both of which are mischievous in pregnancy. Also, caffeine can cross the placenta, the hedge between you and your baby.
Raw sprouts:  Raw sprouts flourish in warm and sticky conditions, which are ideal for the growth of bacteria( like Salmonella andE. coli). So, consuming raw sprouts can make you sick.
ignoble yield:  Consuming ignoble or polluted food products in pregnancy can expose you to a dangerous sponger called Toxoplasma gondii, which is abundant in undercooked meat and ignoble vegetables.
Unpasteurized milk, rubbish, and fruit juice: Raw, unpasteurized milk may contain bacteria likeE.coli, Listeria, and Campylobacter jejuni, which can give rise to foodborne ails.
Alcohol:  Alcohol consumption in the first trimester of pregnancy can beget structural blights in the baby; that is, the baby may have abnormal facial features.
Reused junk foods:  Consuming reused junk foods during pregnancy can increase the quantum of a poisonous substance called acrylamide in the mama ‘s body, which is dangerous to the baby.

This Indian diet plan for pregnancy may or may not suit everyone. In case of food disinclinations and complications, we can plan a substantiated diet map This Indian diet plan for gestation may or may not suit everyone. In case of food disinclinations and complications, we can plan a substantiated diet map.

Diet Plan for Indian Pregnant lady

Eating a healthy, well- balanced diet during pregnancy is essential for the growing baby as it’s just staying to belt up all those nutritional meals you consume. There are a whole lot of nutritional foods that you can eat to insure your baby is safe and healthy. Follow the diet map over and keep your gynaecologist informed about your eating choices so that they can guide you with fresh supplements if demanded. Enjoy a healthy, well- nourished pregnancy!

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